No one is asking you to quit your job, sell everything, leave everything and everyone at home and just travel around the world like I did even though it was the most important and the best decision of my life (and also many others did the same). I always say everything is about the details and it was proved right many times. Yes, even small things can really change a lot. Decisions change life.
Very true Alex. Many decisions, big or small make the tangled web we weave.
Notable decisions for me include the University I chose to go to and accepting that offer in 2000 to go and work in the Middle East.
Yes they are life changing. Yet a small decision such as what time to go to the shops could lead to you meeting the next best friend in your life.
@ The Guy:
Hm I don’t think I have ever met my next best friend when shopping but definitely did when traveling 🙂
It is funny that life is like that. Most of the things I would think are major decision have little impact on my life. While the small ones I never see coming change the whole course of it.
@ Stephen S.:
I gotta agree with you, Stephen … But it just makes it harder for us to decide what to do, right?